Ford & Stanley Recruitment
Our recruitment business has three brands employing specialist teams, covering shop floor to boardroom:

Premium service for prime opportunities
Using a proprietary process perfected over thirty years, our SELECT service defines the exact skills, experience, behaviours and attributes needed to meet the specific business needs of our customers. We call this service SELECT because, by working closely with our customers, we are able to identify the specific criteria needed to select candidates against. We then deliver the required results on time, every time.
When the result is of prime importance, choose SELECT.

Expertise delivered on time and on-budget
Sometimes it’s just not possible to engage in a full discovery process involving line management. Our RESOURCE service allows customers to take advantage of our industry knowledge, recruitment expertise and contacts without the depth of mutual commitment that our SELECT service requires.
When you need a recruitment company that will provide on-time delivery of well-screened, skills relevant candidates as part of your supply chain, choose RESOURCE.

High-performance temporary staffing
Our INTERIM team are experts at providing customers with individuals or teams to work on a time-bound or project by project basis. Our extensive network of contractors and interim executives provide the skilled resource to fulfil your need for expertise when and where you want it. All our contractors are provided access to Ford & Stanley’s GENIUS Performance products. This ensures our interim staff maintain their A-Game in the face of a highly pressured project by project lifestyle.
If you need high-performing, well-supported temporary expertise, choose INTERIM.